Complaints & Compliments

Crown Vocational Training value any feedback that our learners or employers wish to provide to enable us to analyse and improve the service we provide.

We will endeavour to ensure that any issues and complaints are dealt with in a swift, professional and fair manner, ensuring that the cause is investigated and corrective action taken where this is possible.

Complaints Procedure

All complaints will be recorded on the relevant form which is available from the Crown Vocational Training office. Please call 01702 597499 or e-mail [email protected] to be provided with this.

A member of staff will record the complaint (if received verbally), carry out an investigation, attempt to resolve the issue, feed back to the learner and record the findings on the completed complaints form.

The completed form will be given to the line manager who will record the details of the complaint onto the complaints summary which will be used to inform the Self Assessment Report.

If the complainant is not satisfied with the feedback, or wishes to refer to a higher level, the complaint will be referred to the Directors who will carry out an independent investigation.  The complainant will be supplied with a copy of the organisation’s complaint procedure and details of the appeal procedure. The Directors will respond to the complainant in writing within fifteen working days of receipt but if this target cannot be met, they will send a written statement of progress.

Only those members of staff or learners necessary to complete the investigation will be involved.  The complainant and any other relevant parties will be advised in writing of the outcome of the investigation and, if appropriate, will be advised that corrective action has been taken.  The matter will then be closed.

The results of the investigation will be recorded on the complaint record. Advice will be sought from professional bodies when necessary.

When the decision/action requires procedural/programme change then this will be done in line with the audit procedure, ensuring that all the necessary and relevant documentation has been completed.

All verbal and written communications will be clear and unambiguous, courteous and in plain English.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Phone: 01702 597499

Text: 07520 633072

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Offsted Good Rating