Health & Wellbeing

Mental health and wellbeing is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle and preventing you from feeling overwhelmed in the workplace and in your social life. We’ve put together some information on some of these areas to signpost you to anything you may need access to.


Better Health

Better Health is government support initiative to enable the nation to lead active and heathier lives particularly focusing on making healthier food choices and swaps as well as incorporating activities to get us moving.  A way of incorporating small and simple changes to kickstart and improving physical and mental health.  Originally branded under “Change 4 Life” and now under the banner of Better Health for Families – a national ambition to inspire a social movement alongside the government, the NHS, local authorities, business charities as well as schools and community leaders to play a part in improving diets and physical activity levels

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Eating problems

Lots of people have different eating habits. You might eat loads one day, be less hungry another day, or go through phases of wanting to eat more or less healthily. But that doesn’t mean you have an eating problem.

But if you’re focussing a lot on controlling what or how much you eat, or if you have urges to eat and then make yourself sick (bulimia), these are signs you could have a problem

All kinds of things can cause eating problems or disorders. You might develop an eating problem when things don’t feel right in other parts of your life, especially if you’re feeling worried, stressed or feeling out of control. Images we see online and in the media, can add to the feeling that we have to look a certain way or be a certain weight which is not healthy for our body.

Some eating problems however, can become serious mental health conditions that need professional help to diagnose and treat. In very serious cases and without the right kind of support and treatment, they can even cause death, which is why it is so important to speak to someone if you are struggling with your eating so that you can get the help you need to recover. It might feel really difficult, but you can get through it and you deserve to get better.

If you have an eating disorder, or someone in your family does, b-eat is the place you can go to for information and support.

Helpline:  0808 801 0677    Youthline:  0808 801 0711   Studentline:  0808 801 0811

Email: [email protected]

To know what local help and support you can get, put your postcode into

Men Get Eating Disorders Too

Information and advice for men on eating disorders

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Mental health crisis 

Mental health is something that is often talked about and it refers to your emotional, psychological and social wellbeing. Sometimes people can feel overwhelmed and their mental health can deteriorate but talking and reaching out to people is key. Mental health can refer to issues such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, bipolar and more. If you are feeling overwhelmed, then there is always someone you can reach out to in a crisis.

CALL SAMARITANS 24 HOURS A DAY ON: 116 123 (freephone)

You can find out more information on this topic on our Keeping Safe page


The Mind website is a great website and resource for individuals who need help with any sort of mental health issue. It provides a wealth of in-depth knowledge about a variety of issues and how to get the help you may need for yourself or a loved one.

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is defined as ‘the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy’, which are all important aspects of functioning every day. Wellbeing can refer to physical, mental and emotional health, so there are plenty of things you can do to keep on top of it and develop it further:

  • Mindfulness and meditation – these go hand-in-hand and it’s all about being fully present and aware of what we’re doing, trying not to get overwhelmed. So, stop and have a break to allow you to process your thoughts and feelings, so you can continue your day without feeling overwhelmed. More on mindfulness here:
  • There are so many apps that help keep your brain active and those that will help you wind down – why not try some brain training, meditation or trivia. Check out the app store on your phone or tablet to see what can help
  • Keeping physically active has been linked to better sleep, a better emotional state and more. Exercising a few times a week can keep your mental health in tip-top condition, so why not think about incorporating this into your weekly route. Use this link to help you plan and give you some ideas about keeping active:


Having a good sleep pattern can also be linked to good mental and physical health. It may seem like something simple but keeping a routine can benefit your health and your overall wellbeing. For more information and tips on how to improve your sleep, click here:

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